Download of book now available

Freshly printed copies of the book in December 2018

In December 2018 our book was published with an initial print-run of 300.

We are happy to report that all 300 print copies have been distributed across South Africa and some have even found their way to the UK and Sweden. To those who missed out on receiving a free print copy, no need to despair as the the book is now available via a downloadable PDF.  Simply go to the page DOWNLOAD A COPY and get your own copy of the book.



Student academic writing and support in ECP – Seminar at regional Ac Lits Forum

On Wednesday 6 March authors, Megan Alexander, Taryn Bernard, Rodrique George and Sean Samson, hosted a panel presentation and discussion at the regional Inter-Institutional Academic Literacies Forum. The presentation entitled: Students academic writing at support in the ECP environment – attempted to highlight the diversity of academic literacies and writing support offered within extended programmes. In addition to offering insight into the different ways in which academic writing support was structured at some of the ECP programmes at the four universities in the region, the authors also drew attention to the reflective accounts of their specific pedagogic practices around academic writing, as discussed in their individual chapters. The seminar was attended by more than 20 academics and practitioners, mostly working in the ECP space. The panelists facilitated a lively discussion which highlighted a range of issues about, amongst others,  how we talk about students, how  academic literacies and writing are conceptualised and how concerns about the practical teaching realities impact on what is possible in the classroom.